Sex on the Air with Bailey Chandler

I have ALWAYS wanted to have a radio show devoted to sex where people could call or write in with questions and I could just spend the night talking to the public about sex. I think it would be a really fun way to spend some time! I used to be a fan of an internet radio show that was KIND OF like that, based out of Long Beach, CA. It stopped being interesting after a while though because only their friends would call in and the guys on the show only told the same stories over and over again...

Well, after seeing this video clip, I am even more interested in this radio show idea...or magazine...who knows! Maybe one day soon I will be coming at you from more than just this blog.

But would you tune in?


SD Scott said...

Me! (As long as its not a Pod Cast. I find them to be lame.)

KC said...

Why are they lame? But, no, I was not thinking about a Pod Cast. It would still be internet radio though, which may not be much better..