Joe Jonas = Alexis Cruz

Jonas Brothers Picture

I do not understand the draw of the Jonas Brothers at all. Perhaps it is because they are aimed at the teeny-boppers that are much younger than me, but I think there are probably some older people that are attracted (for one reason or another) to them. I just do not get it. I do not find them particularly attractive, nor is their music something I HAVE to listen to.

But maybe the thing I dislike about them most is the fact that the lead singer, Joe Jonas, always reminded me of someone, but I could not figure out who.

Well mystery solved! He reminds me of Alexis Cruz, from the movie Stargate. I have tried to find pictures where they are making similar facial expressions so you can compare yourself. Keep in mind, Joe Jonas is younger and has longer hair than Alexis Cruz, but they look similar enough to creep me out.

Joe Jonas picture Gay
Alexis Cruz gay pic
Joe Jonas Gay Picture
Alexis Cruz Gay Picture

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