Alright, so I was just minding my own business looking around on Twitter and one of the guys that follows my twitter page, CyberCzar had a statement about popping his cock.
Not breaking it mind you, which occurs when too much pressure is applied in the wrong area of your junk...he described this popping as pleasurable. I have never even heard of this and now I am curious if this has happened to anyone else!
If so, please share your story in a comment!
And if you are on Twitter, follow me!
if it's what i think he's doing? yea. its not twisting it per say, its more like a popping sound when you stroke it a certain way when its erect. it doesn't hurt at all. it just sounds like it popped. i havent done it in a while.
I don't think I said he twisted it, but yes, he described a popping noise. How funny, I wonder what's actually happening...
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